Ever since the first product was being sold, marketing was employed to let the public know about the product sale. The most primitive form of marketing is word of mouth where one person shared with another person about a particular product being sold by the seller. Over the years, several forms of marketing came into existence. Each marketing type has its own strategies, advantages and disadvantages. Here we are going to discuss about the benefits of SMS marketing and how you can text to win.
1. When you opt for SMS marketing, you will be able to reach a wider audience in a lesser time. When you use other marketing programs, you would have to make a lot of efforts to reach your target audience. With SMS marketing, it is very convenient to share the word with your audience at the click of a button. You can upload your contacts on the website and write a message. As soon as you click the Send’ button, all the text messages will be sent to your contacts in a jiffy.
2. SMSs have a higher open rate than emails. When you send emails to your prospects as a part of email marketing, chances are low that every one of them will open the email. Most people will delete the email simply by reading the subject of the email, leave alone opening and reading it. When you opt for SMS marketing and send SMSs to your prospects, the open rate is extremely higher and the people who received your text message will read what you sent them. As SMSs are small in size, chances are high that people will open them too. So, you can text to win with SMS marketing.
3. SMS marketing is also very cost effective as compared to other marketing options. Take any marketing type and evaluate the costs that would be incurred to reach your audience. Now take SMS marketing and find out how much it will cost you to reach your target audience. You would be surprised to know that you can reach your audience for a comparatively low price as compared to other marketing types.
There are several other benefits of SMS marketing that would convince you to opt for the same. If you would like to know more how you can benefit from it and how you can text to win, you can check out Textedly.