Do you want to feel a bit more accomplished in life? The next time your appliance needs repair, avoid the phone call and try one of these easy appliance fixes that practically anyone can do.
1. Refrigerator: Water Filter
If you’ve ever noticed a slight odor coming from your fridge, it could be due to the water filter. Or the leftover pizza that you forgot you put in there three weeks ago. Changing out the water filter in your fridge is actually pretty easy.
All you need to do is unscrew the container, remove the screen, and then slide in the new one. Screw the container back up, and you have yourself a brand new water filter. Not only will this make the water coming from the fridge taste better, but it’s also healthier.
2. Refrigerator: Condenser Coil
Another easy fix that you can do with the refrigerator involves its condenser coil. One way to know if your coil needs cleaning is if the fridge keeps running. Normally, your fridge should only kick on for a few minutes. Cleaning the coils is easy. You may need a special brush to ensure you don’t damage the delicate appliance parts, but properly equipped, you’ll find that cleaning the coil is an easy job.
While you’re back there, it might be a good idea to clean the fan motor for the condenser, too.
3. Refrigerator: Gasket
Have you ever noticed that rubber liner that rests within the door of the fridge? It basically acts as a seal whenever the door is closed to keep the cold air inside the fridge. This is called a gasket. Which makes the phrase ‘blowing a gasket’ make a lot more sense.
Because the fridge door is open and closed a lot–especially with teenagers in the home–the gasket wears out quickly. Unless you want all of that cold air to escape from the fridge, it’s a good idea to replace it.
You’ll need to carefully pull out the old gasket and toss it. Then just wedge the new gasket into the slot. You may have to trim it here and there to ensure that it fits snugly.
4. Washer: Drive Belt
If you’ve noticed that your washer is no longer giving your clothes a good time at the rodeo, then the drive belt could be worn out or broken. The drive belt is responsible for making the washer spin. Fixing it is easy.
You’ll need to access the back of the washer and open it up. You’ll see a belt there. Simply remove it and place the new belt on instead. The rodeo is back on!
5. Dryer: Thermal Fuse
Sometimes the dryer may not seem like it’s becoming hot enough. The problem could be with its thermal fuse. When it comes to dryer appliance parts, the fuse is vital. It breaks when the vents and ducts become clogged. Clean out the ducts, then simply replace the fuse.
Appliance fixes can be easy. Try these out for yourself.